Eric Mack

1. Natural Rights
Chapter 1, The Routledge Companion to Libertarianism, ed. Matt Zwolinski, Benjamin
Ferguson (2022)

2. Natural Rights
Chapter 2, Arguments for Liberty, ed. Aaron Powell (2017)

3. Individualism and Libertarian Rights
Chapter 7, Contemporary Debates in Political Philosophy, ed. John Christman, Thomas
Cristiano (2009)

4. Prerogatives, Restrictions, and Rights
Social Philosophy and Policy 22 (2005)

5. Moral Individualism: Agent-Relativity and Deontic Restraints
Social Philosophy and Policy 7 (1989)

6. In Defense of the Jurisdiction Theory of Rights
The Journal of Ethics 4 (2000)

7. Self-Ownership and the Right of Property
The Monist 73 (1990)

8. The Natural Right of Property
Social Philosophy and Policy 27 (2010)

9. Natural and Contractual Rights
Ethics 87 (1977)

10. Bad Samaritanism and the Causation of Harm
Philosophy and Public Affairs 9 (1980)

11. In Defense of Blackmail
Philosophical Studies 41 (1982)

12. Three Ways to Kill Innocent Bystanders: Some Conundrums
Concerning the Morality of War

Social Philosophy and Policy 3 (1985)

13. Moral Rights and Causal Casuistry
Chapter 5, Moral Theory and Moral Judgments in Medical Ethics, ed. Baruch A. Brody (1988)

14. Self-Ownership, Marxism, and Egalitarianism: Part I
Politics, Philosophy, and Economics 1 (2002)

15. Self-Ownership, Marxism, and Egalitarianism: Part II
Politics, Philosophy, and Economics 1 (2002)

16. Non-Absolute Rights and Libertarian Taxation
Social Philosophy and Policy 23 (2006)

17. Elbow Room for Rights
Chapter 8, Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy 1 (2015)

18. Elbow Room for Self-Defense
Social Philosophy and Policy 32 (2016)

19. Robert Nozick’s Political Philosophy
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2014)

20. Nozick’s Anarchism
Chapter 3, Nomos 19 (1978)

21. Nozickian Arguments for the More-Than-Minimal State
Chapter 4, The Cambridge Companion to Nozick's Anarchy, State, and Utopia, ed.
Ralf M. Bader, John Meadowcroft (2011)

22. Problematic Arguments in Randian Ethics
Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 5 (2003)

23. What is Left in Left-Libertarianism
Chapter 7, Hillel Steiner and the Anatomy of Justice, ed. Stephen De Wijze, Matthew
H. Kramer, Ian Carter (2009)